Recently my church asked me to put together an invite for Easter based on the idea of ‘worth’. After much searching for the perfect photo, the only one that would do (according to the Pastor) was one that happened to cost $325.00 USD (!). Yikes! THAT was not in the budget – free design services or not! Not wanting to disappoint, I suggested trying to recreate a similar photo myself in Photoshop. The trick of course being that I can’t get it it too close or I think I would be in copyright trouble – at least that was my excuse 😉  We wanted to capture the essence of the impact of the original photo without being too copycat. My husband was our ‘hand model’ (heavily photoshopped to get his hands that dirty!) I shot the photo of his hands with my Samsung S5, also a few with his iPhone 5S and our digital camera. The wood background I ripped off from another photo I owned and the coal and the diamond photos were sourced for free. Done. What do you think? Did I hit the mark? Photoshop throw down!

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