Sometimes the client already knows what they want, they just can’t do the work themselves.  A colleague has a daughter who is opening a business doing eyebrows, specifically micro-blading. She planned to call it High Brow and mom asked if I could take their logo ideas and make them workable. I said ‘sure!’ I had so much fun with this logo project! Who wouldn’t love to sit around all day and draw crowns and colour them pink?!

This is the initial photo they sent me of a crown / tiara they loved:








This is what it looks like drawn as a vector file so that it can be used as a logo ….









This is the sketch they sent me with their vision of what they would like….








These are some other alternatives I drew along the way …. 🙂



And these are the final concepts I sent them for consideration. Her response? OMG we LOVE them all!!! Big decision!
